Heroes of Gaia Wiki

Welcome to Heroes of Gaia Wiki
A fan wiki for players of Heroes of Gaia!

608 articles since October 2009.

About Heroes of Gaia

What is Heroes of Gaia?
Heroes of Gaia is the online RPG sensation that is sweeping the Internet! If you haven't played it yet, give it a try right away on the official North American site: Heroes of Gaia or on Kongregate or on gPotato (known as Castle of Heroes) or on webmmo, or most recenty, on F2PMMO.
Come back here if you need help.

Featured article

HoG Manual of Style
The wiki has finally gotten large enough to require a Manual of Style page. This page discusses handling certain formatting and content issues unique to the HoG wiki. Suggestions and contributions are welcome. Future edits to the HoG wiki should comply with the Manual of Style. Remember that these are community standards, and that they can be changed.
The rank statistics are no longer correct as of the most recent updates. Please help us update the new rank limits.

What's new on Heroes of Gaia Wiki

July 20, 2010
Snail announced a brand new MMORTS called Ministry of war this afternoon, you can find the wiki at Ministry of War Wiki . Information about the new offering from Snail can be found here. You may notice a certain similarity between this wiki and the new one. Some of that will be changing in the next few day as I start formatting the new wiki.
-- Saucybandit
June 4, 2010
The Rise of the Guilds patch is now live!
-- Saucybandit
June 3, 2010
With the new patch imminent, new content, and overall size of the wiki, there is now enough work to support two administrators. Please allow me to introduce Goddess of Pandora as HoG Wiki's newest admin. Congratulations!
-- Saucybandit
May 30, 2010
The new patch, Rise of the Guilds, is imminent, and should be released this Thursday/Friday, June 3rd/4th. Look forward to it! The wiki will continue to be your source for the latest information on Heroes of Gaia!
-- Saucybandit
May 6, 2010
Another server merge, this time Heroes of Gaia Team decided to merge the Dionysus and Narcissus servers on Kongregate. The merge was announced only a few days ahead of schedule which caused a lot of uproar in the community, especially regarding the random repositioning of secondary castles. As ownership of the mines was lost during the merge, players are advised to reoccupy their mines as soon as possible. As for gameplay, there are rumours of great animosity between the players on the two servers, so a couple of bloody wars may be expected in the near future between the most powerful guilds of both servers.
April 5, 2010
The spotlight is live! If you are a new user, welcome to the site!
-- Saucybandit
March 22, 2010
Some fantastic news: I submitted the wiki for a Spotlight on Wikia a while back, and this week they finally granted the request. The spotlight should run in a week or two. For those of you viewing the wiki for the first time, your contributions are most welcome!
-- Saucybandit
March 18, 2010
From Heroes of Gaia Team: Heroes of Gaia (HOG) has been running for nearly half year. During the game experience, both of us have got a lot of fun from the game. To serve for the better game and make the higher quality, we now decide to merge the two official servers (Titan and Sparta), here’s the detail of the merge detail said to be happning around March 25, hope you could read it carefully, any questions, please post it under our thread.







Secondary Arms

World Objects


Other Stuff

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Helping out

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Remember to check the Manual of Style to make sure that you're doing everything right!

Job 1: Wiki To Do List

  • This article lists all of the things that are still required in order to make this wiki complete and up-to-date. Please add to the list as you find things to do, and please, please, please contribute content that is missing!

Job 2: Templates!

  • Do you know how to make templates? This wiki has no templates, and templates make future editing much, much easier. Please try your hand if you know how!