Heroes of Gaia Wiki

Just wanted to add some notes to the discussion for this page. This is a breakdown of what I observed by looking at all of the equipment I've acquired so far, this does not include attributes from level 10 items (I'm haven't made it to the point where I can get level 10 items yet).

Several values say increase percentage, other times it doesn't, I wonder if this is intended or if they are all percentages, I ask this because I've observed behavior that might indicate that. For example, the "Increases ranged unit SPD :" attribute. I've had a total of 9 SPD added on a Hero and when farming NPCs Tier 10 units move before my Tier 8 ranged units, Tier 8 ranged is ~ 7 SPD, 7 + 9 = 16, this SHOULD outclass the NPC Tier 10 but it doesn't which makes me believe the number is a percentage.

I also wanted to note that the content on the page has several notes that say something on the line of: "On extremely rare occasions it can cause units to attack 3 times with no interruptions."

I would remove this, what I think people are seeing is multiple chances of units "acting twice". My guess would be, after a unit attacks the "does this unit get a chance to act twice" roll is made, even if the attack was a second attack. They(HoG) are not checking to see if the previous attack was a second attack, they are assuming all attacks are first attacks. To me this is a bug or poor coding.

I've tried to break up the bonuses into obvious groups Sometimes ATK is used in place of the word attack, I think this is a translation error. For example: "Increases <UNIT NAME>'s chance to ATK twice : 1-2"

I would also say that most of the bonuses can appear on any equipment with a few exceptions (I've noted my exceptions below)

Equipment Colors

  • Blue 1-2 added attributes
  • Yellow 3-4 added attributes
  • Green 5-6 added attributes
  • Purple 7-8 added attributes

Increases the probability of double-damage to ranged units : 1-4 Increases the probability of double-damage to melee units : 1-4 Increases the probability of double-damage to <UNIT NAME> : 1-4 Increases the probability of half-damage to melee units: 1-4 Increases the probability of half-damage to ranged units: 1-4 Increases the probability of half-damage to <UNIT NAME> : 1-14 <UNIT NAME>'s SPD increases : 0.16, 0.17, 0.19, 0.21 <UNIT NAME>'s SPD increases : 7 (scouts only? shoes only?) <UNIT NAME>'s ATK increases : 1-6 <UNIT NAME>'s ATK increases % : 1-18 <UNIT NAME>'s DEF increases : 1-6 <UNIT NAME>'s DEF increases : 0.16 <UNIT NAME>'s HP increases : 1 Increases <UNIT NAME>'s chance to ATK twice : 1-2Increases <UNIT NAME>'s ATK % : 1-4Increases <UNIT NAME>'s ATK : 1-4Increases <UNIT NAME>'s DEF % : 1-16Increases <UNIT NAME>'s HP % : 1-7Increases <UNIT NAME>'s HP : 1-7 Increases melee unit DEF : 1-9Increases melee unit HP : 1-2 Increases Hero ATK : 1-10Increases Hero DEF : 1-10Increases Hero SPD : 1-6Increases Hero INT : 1-6Increases Hero's maximum unit allocation : 1-6 Increases the chance for ranged units to act twice : 1-4Increases the chance for melee units to act twice : 1-4Increases the chance for <UNIT NAME> to ATK twice : 1-2 Increases damage caused by melee units : 1-4Increases damage caused by ranged units : 1-4 Increases <RESOURCE> output : 1-11Increases Gold output : 1-70 Increases melee unit SPD : 1-3Increases melee unit ATK % : 1-5Increases melee unit ATK : 1-3 Increases ranged unit SPD : 1-3Increases ranged unit ATK % : 1-3Increases ranged unit DEF % : 1-10Increases Ranged Unit HP : 3 Reduces damage received by ranged units : 1-4 Increases Load of returning soldiers : 5 (boots only?)Ranged Units load increases by % : 6<UNIT NAME>'s Load increases by % : 10 (Heavy Soldiers and Dwarven Soldiers only? shoes only?)
